Freelancer: koendiaz1
Report Entry


Hello, I am enclosing my video proposal. I hope you like it. If you need any changes or have any comments, please tell me. If you do not like it, also tell me. So to know what changes to make in the video or create a new one. Greetings.

Public Clarification Board

  • happyfatguyvw
    Contest Holder
    • 5 years ago

    Thanks for your entry. I liked the video transitions.
    the timing of the scenes is good. There wasn't anything that is moving or inspirational though.

    • 5 years ago
    1. koendiaz1
      • 5 years ago

      Thanks for your feedback. I do not know if you going to leave the contest open during the remaining days or if you going to choose a winner right now. Just yesterday I was about to start a new video to participate, only that I was hired for another project. If the contest remains open, I can gladly create another video.

      • 5 years ago