Freelancer: stan4etobg
Report Entry

My father - the reflection in the mirror!

When I lost my father, I was still a child, and did not understand why is gone. I present to you my tale of confused life.

Contest Entry #3 for                                                 Content Writing for Lost Loved Ones, Ancestors, and Personally Significant Places

Public Clarification Board

  • Jbc131
    Contest Holder
    • 9 years ago

    Thank you for sharing the story of your father. I activated your StoryBrancher account so feel free to share on the site. It all starts with an article about the loved one (in this case your father) that is objective and biographical (similar to how Wikipedia articles are with celebrities and politicians listed on their site). Once an article is created, you can then post a "branch" (with a title) where you can share specific memories and experiences you had with him. Branches for each article appear on the bottom of the article. The intent is to provide a place for family members to build on the "objective" biography (article) as well as the personally significant moments (branches) that may be more subjective and emotional.

    • 9 years ago
    1. stan4etobg
      • 9 years ago

      Hello! Thanks for the feedback! I have many stories I have not lost a loved one, and I write a lot. I want to ask how I can post this story on the site? And is there a particular payment on your part? I would be grateful if my answers. Thank you!

      • 9 years ago
    2. Jbc131
      Contest Holder
      • 9 years ago

      StoryBrancher is focused on real events and not so much fictional stories. Beyond lost loved ones, it could also be used to write about ancestors and personally significant places (an old family home, a park one played in, a favorite restaurant, store, etc.). But the key is that the stories should be based on real events. Regarding payment, it is only for the contest to spur interest about the site. Day-to-day, there is no compensation for posting on the site. The intent is to be a place to share and build upon knowledge of important things in one's life.

      • 9 years ago