Freelancer: bilakaifa
Report Entry

Greenstar Icons

I made a simple main design by using dollar symbol as a symbol of money and a star. There are multiple alternatives: I have several designs with blue background, as you wanted, I made one shine thus making it clear and the other with a color fade from gold yellow, to blue. The last blue one is a bit different from my other designs because of the darker colored star with a light background. Another design with blue background has light colored star and background is lighter on the two corners, giving a spacious feeling and darkens in the middle, popping the star out. With the other two I made the colors fade and create a contrast between the star's green color. Lastly there is one with the look of a coin. I am awaiting your feedback, note that all the colors, backgrounds can be changed. Thank you.

Contest Entry #591 for                                                 Design a Smartphone Logo

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