Freelancer: brahym1
Report Entry

Your website's ready! I have already written Code!

Good Morning! When I saw your contest announcement I instantly invested all my time for 2 days in your site to improve it. Since your need is urgent and you want an improvement of your website in the short time, I have written all the HTML, CSS, JS that goes with it. I do not present a model or an image but I present a product made! I only expect your acceptance to send you all the files immediately. Your website is ready, and up to date. I appreciated the way you manage your business and I will be very happy and glade to help you! I adapt to any situation. For now I have the code of all the previews you have seen. You can choose me and we will continue the work together on the other pages and I will share with you my ideas. Have a good day, Sir!

Contest Entry #12 for                                                 Create temporary Website (Fashion), urgent

Public Clarification Board

  • sbcgi
    Contest Holder
    • 7 years ago

    Thank you for your entry #12 ;
    Overall I think the site is too close to the site we have. The start page is too loaded with images and very difficult to grasp - many point the eye cannot find a clear focus point (difficult to describe, I hope you can understand what I mean).
    Looking forward to other suggestions.
    Kind regards

    • 7 years ago