Services - Clients

How can I find the right services?

You can browse and search for services on the Freelancer Services listing page.

How can I order a service?

A service can be ordered on the service view page by clicking Place Order.

Services can be paid using your account balance or verified payment source (Credit Card, PayPal or Skrill, available in certain countries). Once payment is confirmed, your order will be created.

The payment is protected by the Milestone Payment® System, so we recommend releasing the payment only when you are 100% happy with the work that has been delivered.

If the service delivered is incomplete or not what you were expecting, you have the option to dispute the payment.

How can I communicate with the freelancer of the service?

All communications and information and file exchanges must be performed exclusively using's Messaging System.

For best results, provide all instructions to the freelancer as soon as you order the service. This initial contact will help them to start working on your service and enable them to accommodate any special requests.

How is the service delivered?

The service is delivered when the freelancer has completed the task(s) or delivered the files.

Once a service is ordered, it will be listed in your Work in Progress tab as an ongoing project. The freelancer can then submit their work through the Files tab of the project view page (service view page).

When transferring files, both freelancers and clients are responsible for scanning them for viruses and malware. will not be held liable for any damages which might occur due to site usage or use of content or files transferred.

How can I rate freelancers for their service?

You can rate your freelancers by leaving a review. Once work is delivered, both freelancer and client are encouraged to provide feedback through the Freelancer reputation system.

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